
This document defines how the wcwidth library measures the printable width of characters of a string.

Width of -1

The following have a column width of -1 for function wcwidth.wcwidth()

If any character in sequence contains C0 or C1 control characters, the final return value of of wcwidth.wcswidth() is -1.

Width of 0

Any characters defined by category codes in DerivedGeneralCategory.txt files:

  • ‘Me’: Enclosing Combining Mark, aprox. 13 characters.

  • ‘Mn’: Nonspacing Combining Mark, aprox. 1,839 characters.

  • ‘Mc’: Spacing Mark, aprox. 443 characters.

  • ‘Cf’: Format control character, aprox. 161 characters.

  • ‘Zl’: U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR only

  • ‘Zp’: U+2029 PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR only

  • ‘Sk’: Modifier Symbol, aprox. 4 characters of only those where phrase 'EMOJI MODIFIER' is present in comment of unicode data file.

The NULL character (U+0000).

Any character following ZWJ (U+200D) when in sequence by function wcwidth.wcswidth().

Hangul Jamo Jungseong and “Extended-B” code blocks, U+1160 through U+11FF and U+D7B0 through U+D7FF.

Width of 1

String characters are measured width of 1 when they are not measured as Width of 0 or Width of 2.

Width of 2

Any character defined by East Asian Fullwidth (F) or Wide (W) properties in EastAsianWidth.txt files, except those that are defined by the Category codes of Nonspacing Mark (Mn) and Spacing Mark (Mc).

Any characters of Modifier Symbol category, 'Sk' where 'FULLWIDTH' is present in comment of unicode data file, aprox. 3 characters.

Any character in sequence with U+FE0F (Variation Selector 16) defined by emoji-variation-sequences.txt as emoji style.